3 Types of Security Fencing3 Types of Security Fencing

If you are looking for physical protection against intruders and a highly effective deterrent to criminals and trespassers, security fencing is about as good as it gets.

This robust security measure is suitable for both residential and commercial premises and has a fantastic track record of success over the decades.

There are now many different options when it comes to picking security fencing. Each type of site security fencing mentioned in this article is unique in its own right and the best choice for you will depend on what it is that you are trying to protect and the security threats that you are most likely to face.

security fencing

Why is security fencing a must have on commercial sites?

Before we look at the different types of security fencing that are available, we first need to understand what it is that makes it so effective as a security tool in the first place.

In a world of biometric access control and motion detection CCTV, the old reliable security measures have become underrated in many cases. Security fencing at least remains essential to preventing unauthorised access to a restricted area, making it nigh-on impossible for someone to climb over the perimeter of your property.

This knowledge gives you, and your staff, incredibly valuable peace of mind that they are safe once on your site and can work without the worry of being confronted by a stranger with unknown intentions.

When it comes to investments in security, few are more reliable or more worthwhile than security fencing.

Types of security fencing

Chain Link fencing

A common sight on properties across the globe, chain link fencing is affordable, easy to install, and extremely versatile.

Whilst these fences look a bit flimsy, they are actually pretty difficult to cut through or climb over although they are still considered an entry level form of security fencing.

They are great for residential properties but if you operate a large commercial site with high value assets aplenty you will probably need something a little bit more heavy duty.

Steel Fencing

Steel is incredibly strong and durable and is considered as one of the vest best premium security fencing options out there.

Steel fencing is highly resistant to impacts of all kinds and topped with spikes or barbed wire is an obstacle that no criminal in their right mind will attempt to clamber over.

Steel fencing is the go-to choice for construction sites, infrastructure projects, and other high-value projects,

It is considered a set and forget fencing option due to its exceptional durability and weather resistance, and it well worth the additional cost of installation in comparison to shorter-lasting alternatives.

Palisade Fencing

Palisade fencing is made from reinforced steel and topped with sharp pointed tops that make climbing over a deadly challenge only a fool would attempt.

The most effective palisade fencing has a pale curved outwards to make climbing almost impossible even if an intruder is foolish enough to consider risking the sharp points on top.

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