What is Solar Energy?

What is Solar Energy?

Solar energy is an environmentally-friendly source of electricity that can power everything from computers and airplanes, while helping reduce pollution levels and greenhouse gas emissions that damage our health.


Scientists began exploring solar power in the 19th century. Edmond Becquerel of France made significant breakthroughs when he discovered photovoltaic effect – when sunlight leads to electric current.

The Sun’s Energy

Sunlight is the primary source of energy on Earth, providing us with power, sustenance and climate regulation as well as aiding plant and animal life growth.

Light that arrives from the sun is mostly visible, though some forms of radiation such as infrared and ultraviolet can also reach our planet’s surface. Some of this light may be absorbed or reflected back by clouds before making its way down to us at the surface.

Scientists have carefully observed the Sun for decades. Through extensive study they have gained an in-depth knowledge of its nuclear fusion process and how it converts hydrogen gas to helium gas – thus producing lighter elements such as helium.

At the core of our Sun, hydrogen atoms fusing together under extreme pressure and temperature create helium molecules. Unfortunately, some matter is lost as part of this transformation occurs, however these energy-packed helium atoms emit their radiant energy out into space as radiant heat.

It’s Free

Solar energy, or energy generated from sunlight, offers a clean alternative to fossil fuels and is renewable, meaning it can be harnessed worldwide.

Air and water pollution has also worsened since we started burning fossil fuels.

Solar energy has gained widespread acceptance all around the globe due to its free, clean source of energy that reduces long-term electric bills.

Installing solar energy systems typically falls to homeowners themselves; however, in certain instances a power purchase agreement (PPA) or lease may be used instead.

Homeowners participating in net metering programs can send any excess energy they produce back into the grid and receive credit for it, helping reduce their electricity costs, depending on usage and panel size. This program could potentially reduce bills significantly.

It’s Clean

Solar power is one of the cleanest forms of energy production available today, causing no air pollution, carbon dioxide emissions or global warming – three major environmental threats.

Solar panels can help lower your home’s energy bills and add value, as well as create jobs through their manufacture, installation and maintenance.

Solar generation offers many advantages, yet it should also be remembered that its usage may have some downsides. For instance, manufacturing of solar panels often utilizes chemicals which have detrimental environmental impacts.

Solar energy’s drawbacks are far outweighed by its many other advantages. To start off, it can deliver power directly to remote locations without transmission lines being necessary and helps ensure grid security during blackouts. Furthermore, solar can heat homes and power electric appliances – an abundant and renewable resource with the potential to alter our energy habits forever!

It’s Local

Sunlight provides us with energy, heat, and light in abundance. In fact, during daylight hours the sun provides over one billion watts of electricity per square meter on average!

Capturing solar energy at exactly the moment it’s needed can be challenging; that’s where photovoltaic (PV) panels and concentrated solar power (CSP) facilities come into play.

Understandingsolar offers a free online solar assessment to help determine whether your home or business are ideal candidates for solar installations, providing personalized analysis on solar energy usage. They then put you in touch with local installers who will offer tailored advice about which solution might be the smartest decision for your energy needs, providing a detailed energy usage report to quantify savings potential while helping manage the complicated process of interconnecting new solar arrays to the electric grid.